Get Your Membership!


Connecting with voters and signing up new members during a pandemic is never easy.Host a virtual coffee party via Zoom so that your friends, family, neighbors and colleagues can get to know Milad and learn about her vision for Mississauga Centre and Canada.


When there’s a minority parliament, the next election could be called at any moment. And when it comes, we will be ready! Join our growing team and help us turn Mississauga Centre blue again. No matter what part of Mississauga Centre you live in or whether you have prior experience, there are plenty of opportunities for you to get involved:
- Door Knocking
- Phone Banking
- Event Planning
- Literature Drops
- And much more

Make A Donation

Every dollar counts in a nomination campaign, and every donation is very much appreciated. Help Milad share her positive message for Mississauga Centre by donating today! Please note that donations to a nomination campaign are not tax receiptable.